Θεραπευτικά Ταξίδια Breathwork

Healing journeys in 9D

Journeys that combine high technology with special breathing techniques, transformational coaching, guided meditation, infused with sound healing and more... An immersive introspective Self Discovery that will give you a mind-blowing experience, allowing you to heal at a deep level, de-stress, regain your peace of mind, and reach your full potential. Every journey a unique experience through the senses, that will help calm your mind, relax your body, and see beyond your limitations...so you can be whole again, in authentic relationship with yourself...



Το breath work είναι ο τρίτος πιο αποτελεσματικός και φυσικός τρόπος – μετά την την ψυχεδελική ψυχοθεραπεία και την ύπνωση – για να αποκτήσουμε πρόσβαση στο υποσυνείδητο, να απελευθερώσουμε παγιδευμένα συναισθήματα και να βοηθήσουμε στην επανασύνδεση των συνάψεων του εγκεφάλου με έναν υγιή τρόπο που να μας υποστηρίζει.

With breath work we also learn how to come to the present moment and self-regulate, so we can:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Enjoy better physical health, including fitness and recovery for athletes
  • Re-train and balance our autonomic nervous system in our every day lives
  • Reach mental clarity and focus
  • Regulate our emotional state
  • Respond better to external factors
  • Boost our energy levels
  • Increase productivity and creativity
  • Have better rest and sleep patterns

The 9D journeys combine high-definition audio, binaural beats, isochronic tones, Solfeggio frequencies, 432 Hz tuning, bio-acoustic sound effects and more…for an immersive soundscaping experience that will blow your mind and accelerate your healing.


The Insight Principles have have helped organizations and people around the world unfold their true potential, find their personal happiness, as well as achieve optimum performance at work, in the fields of leadership, business management, sports, negotiations and others.

This revolutionary understanding allows us to expand our minds and really see the truth about:

How our experience is created from the inside-out

Our true potential; that we are perfectly designed for a productive and successful life

So we can transform our lives while experiencing more:

  • Safety
  • Freedom
  • Ease
  • Capabilities


Beautiful scripts and dynamic visualization experiences that make us feel great as we turn inwards and ignite our imagination for:

  • Grounding
  • Healing
  • Activation



Work at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level that leads in a holistic way to:

  • Healing
  • Removal of roadblocks
  • Cleansing and rejuvenation
  • Connection to our source
  • Self-awareness
  • Harmony
  • Empowerment


Engaging with like-minded people during journeys and sharing stories can be cathartic and therapeutic. It can also lead to meaningful connections, a sense of belonging and community.

The ‘new you’ awaits on the other side.

The shortlist of benefits includes:

  • Reduction in stress and anxiety
  • Improved physical health
  • Mental clarity and focus
  • Mood and emotional regulation
  • Increased levels of energy and productivity
  • Better sleep and rest patterns
  • Letting go of bad habits (mental, emotional, behavioral)
  • Creativity and inspiration
  • Fulfilling relationships and a deeper connection

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